With the cutting-edge cancer care available in northern Colorado, there is tragedy in the reality that disease treatment remains financially unattainable for so many of our northern Colorado neighbors. Costs connected to a patient’s
medical care and prescription needs fall increasingly out of reach for individuals who must take unpaid time off of work, or who are forced to quit their job due to their illness and treatment. Some of these individuals are single parents or
caregivers for spouses or aging relatives.

In the next year, an estimated 3,000 individuals across Larimer and Weld Counties will receive a cancer diagnosis. Approximately 50% of those individuals would qualify for funding support to assist with their needs. 

We believe that individuals should not have to worry about how they’ll keep their lights on, pay their medical bills, or afford transportation to treatment while they’re fighting for their lives. The Cancer Care program supports individuals
undergoing cancer diagnosis and treatment by covering medical and prescription costs; basic needs expenses such as housing, transportation, and utilities; and alternative therapies to ease pain and discomfort.

The program also supports the region’s Breast Cancer Support Group, creating a community of care for individuals regardless of where they are in their breast cancer journey. An average of 165 lives are expected to be touched annually through the Cancer Care program over the next three years.

Tammy's Story

Like many of our Northern Colorado neighbors, when Tammy,* a single mother of a child living with autism,
was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer, one of her first questions was how she could afford it. She didn’t
know how she was going to both support her son Ethan* and access treatment. How would she care for her son
while battling this merciless disease? How could she continue to work while navigating her treatment journey?

Her clinical Care Navigators at BannerMD Anderson Cancer Center in Loveland helped her to identify
and access resources and shepherd her through the darkness. Through the generosity of local
community members like you, McKee Wellness Foundation was there for her.

The Foundation manages several funds that distribute critical support for medical care and living expenses to our neighbors in need battling cancer and other chronic or emergent illnesses. We regularly encounter individuals diagnosed with cancer who may choose to not seek treatment because of the financial burden due to medical bills and the impact that treatment will have on their lives. Thanks to this crucial investment in our community, we could cover
rent for Tammy, allowing her to seek lifesaving treatment without sacrificing her own or her son’s wellbeing.

*Names changed to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.

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