Baby Michelle's Story
When baby Michelle was born in Oct 2022 at North Colorado Medical Center and diagnosed with the fatal disease, Donahue Syndrome, it was simply a matter of time. Time that Michelle’s family desperately wanted to spend
with their baby girl. Every day they made the long drive to Children’s Hospital in Denver to be with their child.
Every night when they left, they didn’t know if it would be the last time they saw her.
The financial challenges were building up as well. They didn’t know how much longer they’d have a home to
return to. How they would put food on the table. How they would be able to lay their baby girl to rest.
Reaching out to McKee Wellness Foundation, Baby Michelle’s mother, Laura, shared “We don’t
have money to pay rent, or for her funeral when the moment comes.”
Our community stepped forward, granting more than $5,000 to keep Michelle’s family safe and housed
while they spent all the time they could with Michelle. There are more families like baby Michelle's;
families who are struggling.Who don't know how they'll pay rent. Who have medical expenses soaring
out of control. Families that need a light of hope.